Nancy Fisher

  • Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach
  • Leadership Circle Certified Practitioner
  • Results System Certified Practitioner
  • Certified Myers-Briggs Practitioner
  • Certified Organizational & Individual Transitions Coach
  • CTI-Trained Co-Active Coach

It’s true I’m a bit of a rebel at heart, but in an upstanding citizen kind of way!  I’m a “lifestyle rebel” who cares deeply and believes in a fun, wholehearted life.   As a coach, I lead by example by living my life fully and authentically.  I joined the revolution and I’m fighting the good fight for a meaningful life every day!  I coach others because I live for a-ha moments when people start to see the possibilities.   I get enormous joy from helping people take small steps toward revolutionary new possibilities in their own life, creating a new chapter that lights them up from inside.

As for my own revolution, I am living the life I was meant to live all along.  I no longer seek to do what I “should” or climb the corporate ladder, I have a job I love, we traded in our house for a townhome (no yard maintenance!), and my husband and I pursue vacations and concerts all year long.

In addition to my experience in people development and personal coaching,  I am also a Gallup-certified Strengths coach, and have spent many years facilitating team workshops and coaching individuals about their unique strengths and how to use them successfully.

The work I do as a coach is dedicated to the memory of my brother Randy, who always saw the possibilities in everyone, and was one of my biggest inspirations. #tallman #thumbsup

Are you ready to start your REVOLUTION?

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