Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos

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We have certainly entered an uncertain and chaotic time.  It’s difficult for me just like it is for you!  So I wanted to offer some helpful tips for gaining a sense of calm and control during this time.  We’re all in this together and I am part of your support system!

If you’re like me, you’re probably feeling a collection of unease, confusion, impatience, hope and sometimes even fear.  One positive thing is that we can feel all these things, and still make choices on how we want to focus our energy during this time.   Below is an important concept from Stephen Covey about the things we can control, even in the most uncertain times.  We have more power than we think, and much of it comes from managing our mindset and focusing on the things we can control.

Take a look at Mr. Covey’s Concern/Influence/Control diagram below.  You’ll see:

  • Circle of Concern – all the things we are concerned about but have no control over, like the news, the economy, other people’s thoughts and feelings, politicians, work, the weather, and (ugh) other people’s social media posts.
  • Circle of influence – things we can’t necessarily control, but may be able to influence or have some control over.
  • Circle of Control –  These are things we truly have control over, including our own mindset, actions and behaviors. This is where most of our energy and focus need to be, in order to feel our best. 

Below are 3 tips we can use as we navigate this uncharted territory together:

  1. Focus on what you can actually control.  Acknowledge your concerns, but spend most of your energy on what you have control over.  Take time to think about what you can control, and put your focus there.
  2. Consider your own unique talents and strengths.  How can you use them during this time, and more importantly, how can you use them in service to others?  Using your own gifts feels good and builds community.
  3. Consider your support system. Who can support you, and who can you support?  Both are equally important.

Be well and take good care of yourselves!


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