I’m Bringing Zesty Back

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A common question you sometimes hear in January is “what’s your theme or word for this year?”  Usually I take time to process that question, but this time it hit me right away: it’s ZEST.  Yeah seriously, zest, like the soap.  I’m bringing zesty back!

So why zest?  I’ve been mainly happy and positive my whole life.  I embrace fun.  People have often told me I have a “zest for life.”  But the past year was a difficult year because my sweet mom passed away.  As you can imagine, I lost some of my pizazz.  I was still mostly happy (life is so good), of course, but I’ll admit I really lost my mojo.

When the new year rolled around, I noticed a shift in energy, like I’m headed back to the real me.  It took some time, but I think I’m channeling my mom’s fun & joyful spirit into a reinvigorated, re-energized me.  It’s really cool.  I still miss her terribly but I’m healing, and frankly I’m not very good at being sad.  I’m WAY better at being positive.  I’m finally in a place where it comes naturally again, and it feels amazing.  

So here I go, taking a big running leap and making a wild splashy cannonball into 2019…look out people, I’m bringing zesty back! 

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