What does success mean to YOU?

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A few years back during my corporate career, I had a major aha moment.  As I was doing my annual development plan, it occurred to me that even though I was working on getting to the “next step up,” I really had no interest in being on that next step.  I thought I SHOULD want it, but in my heart I didn’t.  I loved my current job, and the “next step” work would be too many long hours (for my taste), and more stressful work.  Ick.  Not my thing.  What had I been thinking?!  So I backed off, and smiled with glee as I told my boss “I’m actually really happy doing what I’m doing.”

Most of us get messages (from colleagues, parents, TV, articles, etc.) that to be successful, you need to have ABC title and XYZ job (with a $$$ paycheck) to be fulfilled.  You SHOULD do this, that, etc.  And then you need to keep climbing & climbing, regardless of how you feel!  Just keep plugging away, little trooper!

But these kind of “shoulds” can keep us from the life and work that would actually make us happy.  When was the last time you stopped to think about how YOU define success?  What would success actually look like for you?  For some of you, it might really be the climbing the ladder to the high level position, and that’s awesome!  But for many others, that doesn’t feel right.

Take a few moments this week to really think about what success means to you. Try asking yourself these questions:

  • How do you define career success for yourself?
  • What kind of work do you want to be doing?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What talents do you wish you could to leverage or activate?

I have asked these questions many times in workshops, and everyone answers them differently. If you manage people, don’t assume they feel the same as you.  And for Pete’s sake don’t “should” on them.  Ask them–and then listen to what is meaningful to them!

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